Sunday, October 14, 2007

Norton Shore Road, Hampton, Backyard

This is an attempt to connect PhotoBucket slideshows with this blog.
It may or may not work. If it does, these are recent photos from Southern NB in the Hampton area.

You can stop the slide by mousing in the lower right area. The little square stops the current slide.


Alicia said...

Thank you for these beautiful pictures! I'm a fully Washington girl - part Washington DC suburbs, part northern Pacific Washington state - and suffering greatly in inner city Dallas. Ick. The closest thing we have to fall color right now is the trash on the side of the road. Your pictures take me out of all this mess for a little bit and it's WONDERFUL! Thank you!

Betty said...

Thanks Alicia,

It's great to know someone has appreciated this. I posted some more autumn pictures today. I hope you like them also.

I've been to Washington state. Loved it. Such amazing variety of scenery.